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Student Counseling Services

Brief Individual Counseling


Student life can become difficult, and sometimes, overwhelming. Academic stress, financial stress, and social stressors can make it difficult for students to succeed. In addition, other stressors such as trauma, illness, bereavement, and instances of discrimination can further complicate matters.  We may offer Brief Individual Counseling to support students in stress.                                                                          

Brief Individual Counseling can help students manage these stressors, decrease severity of negative mental health symptoms, and help students maintain sound 功能 in their academic and social 生活.

Counseling takes place in a safe, confidential environment where counselors and students create a trusting relationship. Brief Individual Counseling is short-term and problem focused, with a counselor offering specific behavioral changes, assisting with problem solving, or directing students to important on-campus resources.  ……很重要。 that the clinical staff understand any long-standing mental health problems, issues of long-term personal growth, or understand ways that past experiences impact present 功能.  However, for more intense and long-term needs, our staff may provide 一个推荐.  The length and type of counseling depends on the nature of a student's concerns and the student's goals for counseling.  Students are granted 8 sessions per semester, and if the need arises for more, counselors will consult to determine extended sessions.  Services delivered by Student Counseling Services staff are, always, at no cost.

The professional, multi-disciplinary staff at Student Counseling Services has expertise across a variety of therapeutic styles and mental health concerns. 典型的精神 health concerns that we provide counseling or referrals for include:

  • Symptoms of depression
  • Symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks
  • Difficulties with motivation, time management, and procrastination
  • Effects of recent traumas such as sexual assault or loss of a loved one
  • Interpersonal concerns such as isolation, homesickness, interpersonal conflicts, and/or 社会焦虑
  • Effects of discrimination based on race, class, gender, ability, or sexual orientation
  • Effects of stress and trauma due to family conflict
  • Concerns about alcohol and drug use
  • Concerns related to eating such as binge eating or restricting diet
  • Performance related concerns such as test anxiety or anxiety over public speaking
  • Concerns related to bizarre experiences, thinking, and confusion
  • Concerns related to concentration and focusing attention

When to Seek Individual Counseling

Students experiencing the following symptoms should consider mental health support from us to help maintain academic and social 功能:

  • 心理健康 危机 
  • Persistent thoughts about harming self or others
  • Feel alone, confused, or unable to cope after a recent loss or trauma
  • Persistent feelings of sadness, including loss of motivation for schoolwork and inability to engage, even in pleasant activities.
  • Feeling overly restless, nervous, or panicked when faced with academic and social 要求
  • Noticeable changes in personality, mood, or temperament, including mood swings that lead to risk-taking or aggressive behavior
  • Unsuccessful attempts to control alcohol or drug use, or unexpected consequences from alcohol or drug use
  • Changes in work or school performance due to stress or difficulty concentrating
  • Noticing patterns in your thoughts or behaviors that seem to impede personal growth 和成就感

National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

► What happens when I call 988?


Student Counseling Services
103 Ray Guy Way 
Bond Hall South (East entrance)
118 College Drive #5075
Hattiesburg, MS 39406


Business Hours Phone